__Production design
Conceived and directed by Guillermo Polo Gandía.
Cinematography by Carlos Cebrián Renau.
Produced by Turanga Films.
24' - Drama - 2010
Costa, a 70 years old man gathers all his friends years after their last encounter.
After a huge banquet they celebrate their meeting listening to their favorite old rock songs from their long passed bash days.
The warmth of the party, alcohol and other stimulation's will make them open up to each other...
_The End International Film Festival (Netherlands)
_Sintetiza - Festival de Curtmetratges del Pirineus (Spain)
_Certamen de Cortometrajes de Viladecans (Spain)
_Certamen Estatal de Vídeo - Selectiu Única (Spain)
_Muestra de Cortometrajes "Gran Cine. Pequeño Formato". (Spain)
_Festival de Cortometrajes Cortomate (Spain)